We are empowering a generation of young changemakers in Ghana.


The Health Innovation in a Virtual Environment (HiVE) program is an innovative virtual incubator that seeks to identify and test new ideas for global health by bringing together virtual teams across borders, sectors, and disciplines. Despite the abundance of talented and motivated individuals who are driven to make a positive impact in their communities, countries, and beyond, there is a lack of opportunities for these individuals to realise their full potential. HiVE aims to identify innovative, fresh-thinking, and applicable ideas that address global health issues, following the traditional idea of an accelerator. However, participants are also matched with a team of virtual mentors and advisers drawn from multidisciplinary experts to help challenge and refine their ideas for real-world application.

HiVE is designed to encourage participation among individuals in low and middle-income countries and is delivered entirely through an innovative virtual platform in a flexible manner. Upon completing the program, graduates possess the core skills necessary to develop competent funding proposals, the confidence to develop them, an extensive network of contacts, and a refined and fundable proposal that could potentially yield the next breakthrough in global health.

HiVE was paused at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to shift public health expertise toward pandemic management and response. There are ongoing conversations about resuming the project in various sub-Saharan African countries.

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